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Inhale, Exhale: Breathing Awareness Explained

By 6 September, 2024 No Comments

In our modern lives, every moment seems to demand our attention. Let’s pause and consider something that may seem simple but holds a powerful impact. What if the calmness you’re seeking lies within you? Quite literally, in every breath you take.

Breathing awareness, often dismissed as a new-age fad, is about attuning ourselves to something so intrinsic yet as vital as our breath. Think about it: whenever you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, what’s your instinctive response? To take a deep breath. Your body knows what it needs. We can use our breath intentionally too, as a tool to ground ourselves in the present moment. No fancy equipment needed, no elaborate gadgets, a practice accessible to everyone.

“When the mind is agitated, change the pattern of the breath.” – Patanjali

Breathwork is a simple practice that can help us find a sense of calm amidst the chaos. Anxiety, stress and tension often manifest in our bodies as shallow breathing. By consciously breathing deeply and fully, we can release these pent-up emotions.

Richie Bostock, renowned as ‘The Breath Guy’, articulates the impact of breathing on our overall health and emphasises the transformative power of breathwork, not just as a practice but as a lifestyle. In his book ‘Exhale’, Bostock reminds us how breathing affects every system in our body, therefore “understanding and using the breath purposefully is a major skill if you want to become a healthy, happy, high-performing individual and enhance every aspect of your life.”

Certain breathing exercises can help us access meditative states, sleep better, boost our energy or improve clarity of mind. So, next time your feeling overwhelmed remember to come back to your breath.

·· From Mikasa Ibiza boutique hotel we would like to share a simple mindful breathing exercise to help you begin to become aware of your breath:

Sit in a comfortable position.
Inhale and exhale through your nose, keeping your mouth closed.
Draw attention to your breath without changing its behaviour.
What are the physical sensations? How does the flow of air through your nose feel? How does your body move as you breathe?
Now pay attention to your natural reflexes during the breathing. For how long does your body want to inhale? And exhale?
Continue to observe with curiosity. There is no right or wrong. If you become distracted, simply continue with your next breath.

Stay tuned for Mikasa Ibiza holistic wellness programme of yoga and meditation.